Saturday, December 04, 2004

h0w bliND haV I bEEn

Wow, how blind could I have been not to see how many wonderful friends that I have. Old friends as well as new. I was never the person to open up to people fast, but my new friends back at APIIT seem to be opening up to me. Well once again thank you to all my friends. I do forget all my problems when I come to APIIT, it's like I hang all my worries out side those doors and go in, and the weird thing is when I get back out most of the worries are gone away when I meet them again. I'll miss you guys next week when I won't be able to come because of the CIM exams. Take care.

Ahhhhhhhhhhh another thing guys "Did you know that the WORLD is ROUND", crazy thing it never crossed my mind that it could be round....................


Blogger G said...

u cn count on us dude

ado..... is the world round???? how come???

11:26 AM  

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